Monday, November 3, 2008

Champion Hi Fives Wrangler W/ Bruce Minard

RU Champion Emmy's Apple Jack w/ Vance Butler

Saturday, October 11, 2008

MGDA Championship Fall 08 Running Order

Minnesota Grouse Dog Association

1A. Keystone’s Red Rage, SM, Peters
B. Needle Point Doc, SM, Bressler
2A. Passin Time Ridlyn, SM Minard
B. Keystone’s Red Ryder, SF, Peters

3A. Fireside Fleetwood, SM, Minard
B. Dale Creek Bandit, SM, Waite

4A. Satin From Silk, SF, Gress
B. Waymaker’s Twister, SF, Minard

5A. Dunroven’s Sidney, SM, Butler
B. Northern Light Mira, SF, Degitz

6A. Show and Tell, PF, Wingard
B. Montera’s Rock, SM, McCarl

7A. Electic Bell, PF, Lein
B. Magic’s Rocky Ballboa, SM, Kolter

8A. Wintergreen Max, SM, Fancher
B. Emmy’s Apple Jack, SM, Butler

9A. Tim’s Setter Ruby, SF, Waite
B. Ridgerunner Tessa, SF (IS), McCarl

10A. Bodacious Hunter, SM, Bressler
B. Shedder, SM Minard

11A. Running Woods Cree, SF, Waite
B. Magic’s Climb K2, SM, Kolter

12A. Pal’s Sea Pearl, PF, McCarl
B. Fireside Blue Zephyr, SF, Minard

13A. Pal O Mine, PF, McCarl
B. Twilight Blow, PF, Wingard

14A. Dale Creek Brody, SM Waite
B. Hard Driving Louie, PM, McCarl

15A. I’m Blue Gert, SF, Kolter
B. Wintergreen Cody, SM, Fancher

16A. Houston’s Belle’s Choice, SF, Kolter
B. Neil’s First Rate, SM Waite

17A. Houston’s Belle, SF, Kolter
B. Tiger Lily, SF, Bressler

18A. Hard Driving Bev, PF, McCarl
B. Heather, PF, Minard

19A. Birchridge Scott, SM, Minard
B. Merimac’s Adda Girl, SF, Kolter

20A. Sober Run Pop, PM, Minard
B. Gracie, SF, Anderson

21A. Windstar, SM, Butler
B. Matty Mae Lady, SF, Bressler

22A. Hifive’s Backyard Bruiser, PM, Minard
B. Modaka’s Jazzy Jeff, PM, Butler

23A. Wingard, PM, Moore
B. Hifive’s Pepper Ann, PF, Minard

24A. Hifive’s Wrangler, PF, Minard
B. Cedar’s Jackhammer, PM, Butler

25A. Hifive’s Jasmine, PF, Minard
B. Hard Driving Lucy, PF (IS), McCarl

26A. Quail Trap Tom, SM, Butler
B. Blue Shaquille, SM Kolter

27A, Starchaser, SM, Butler
B. Bloom’s Molly, SF, Bressler

Last years winners

Judge Tom Fruchey - Lance Bressler w/ Champion Blooms Molly- Jerry Kolter w/ RU CH. Houstons Belle and Judge Jim Tande

Fall 08 MGDA Derby Running Order (ReDraw)

This content has been changed due to a redraw. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Reuel Henry Pietz Derby Classic (30 min)

Derby will start Friday

1A. Lena, SF, McCarl
B. Marley, SF, Minard

2A. Rain, SF, Waite
B. Duncan Creek Dodger, PM, Boos

3A. Miley, PF (IS), Edstrom
B. Rita, PF, McCarl

4A. Cold Creek Sin City Ella, GSF, MacTavish
B. Riggs, SM, Waite

5A. Deuce, SM, Waite
B. Cold Creek Pearl, SF, MacTavish

6A. Mable, SF, McCarl
B. Cold Creek Prairie Rose, SF, MacTavish

7A. Duncan, SM, Waite
B. Cash, PM, Minard

8A. Stevie, SF, Minard
B. Chubby, SM, Waite

9A. Seattle Slew, PM, Moore
B. Stella, SF, Tande/Wingard

10A. Toc, PF, McCarl
B. Bye

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wisconsin Championship 08

Champion Wintergreen Max with Owner/ Handler Mickey Fancher

RU Champion Hi Five Wrangler With Handler Bruce Minard

WI Cover Dog CH Shooting Dog Running order
Posted by Mary-Beth Esser (MB Esser) on 10/6/2008, 12:19 am

#1 Blooms Molly SF Lance Bressler
Pals Sea Pearl PF Joe McCarl

#2 Merrimacs Adda Girl SF Jerry Kolter
Fireside Blue Zephyr SF Bruce Minard

#3 Wintergreen Max SM Mickey Fancher
Silver Run Pop PM Bruce Minard

#4 Reba ________ PF Mike Luebke
Dun Roven Sidney SM Vance Butler

#5 Modaka's Jazzy Jeff PM Vance Butler
Houston's Bell SF Jerry Kolter

#6 Hard Driven Bev PF Joe McCarl
Birch Ridge Scout SM Bruce Minard

#7 Neil's First Rate SM Tom Waite
Magics Climb K2 SM Jerry Kolter

#8 Dale Creek Brody SM Tom Waite
Waymaker's Twister SF Bruce Minard

#9 Hard Driven Lucy PF Joe McCarl
Hi Five Pepper Ann PF Bruce Minard

#10 Blue Shaquille SM Jerry Kolter
Running Woods Cree SF Tom Waite

#11 Romeo's Attitude PM Tom Waite
Needle POint Doc SM Lance Bressler

#12 Hay Creek Piper SF Sonny Pekars
Matty Mae Lady SF Lance Bressler

#13 Northern Lights Mira SF Sig Digitz
Emy's Apple Jack SM Vance Butler

#14 Quail Trap Tom SM Vance Butler
Pal O Mine PF Joe McCarl

#15 Fireside Fleetwood SM Bruce Minard
Magics Rocky Ballboa SM Jerry Kolter

#16 Houstons Bell's Choice SF Jerry Kolter
Pssin time Riddlin SM Bruce Minard

#17 Rooster Da Ruger SM Tom Waite
Tiger Lilly SF Lance Bressler

#18 Tim's Setter Ruby SF Tom Waite
Hi Five Jasmine PF Bruce Minard

#19 Bodiaous Hunter SM Lance Bressler
Montera's Rock SM Joe McCarl

#20 Ridge Runner Tess SF Joe McCarl
I'm Blue Girt SF Jerry Kolter

#21 Cider's Jack Hammer SM Vance Butler
Hay Creek Clancy PM Sonny Pekars

#22 Electric Bell PF Rod Lein
Heather PF Bruce Minard

#23 Winstar SM Vance Butler
Hi Five Rangler PF Bruce Minard

#24 Shredder SM Bruce Minard
Hard Driven Luie PM Joe McCarl

#25 Hi Five Backyard Broozer PM Bruce Minard
Dale Creek Bandit SM Tom Waite

#26 Wintergreen Cody SM Mickey Fancher
Starchaser SM Vance Butler

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Minnesota and Wisconsin Trial Dates

Here is the dates that I know for this falls Trials. I will update as I find more info.

Double click on the Calendar and it will bring it up larger so that you can read it.

Monday, June 2, 2008

MN/WI Dog of the Year Rules Adjusted.

Summary of Changes
The MN / WI Cover Dog of the Year committee met recently and made some adjustments to the rules governing these awards. The first change is that placements in amateur stakes will no longer be applied towards the OSD or OD awards. The reason for this will become apparent shortly. The second change is that in order for a dog to win these awards they will need two placements during the year. If no dog places twice then we will revert to the current standard. The original intent of the DOTY was to reward consistency and to promote participation. This change is meant to keep these awards aligned with that intent.

The MN/WI Cover Dog of the Year committee would also like to announce the creation of the Amateur Shooting Dog of the Year and the Amateur Derby of the Year awards. Points for these awards will be tabulated in the same fashion as the open awards. Points for these awards can be earned at trials held by the cover dog clubs in MN and WI. In the case of the Shooting Dog Award, the trial must be held on multiple courses and on wild birds. (i.e. the R19 at the barrens counts)

Questions, comments, and concerns can be sent to and will be passed on to the committee, at which point we will call you names and ignore your suggestions. I’m just kidding of course; we want these awards to be as fair, fun, and prestigious as possible while staying true to the purposes of the folks who started them. If you think we are missing the mark, let us know, but be nice.

Congrats Mickey Fancher!

Wintergreen Max is the winner of the 2007-2008 Thomas Flanagan Derby Cover Dog Award. Max is owned and Handled by Mickey Fancher.

MGDA Little Moran

Photos By Bill Holtan

MGDA Little Moran II

Photos By Bill Holtan

MGDA Little Moran

Photos By Bill Holtan

MGDA Spring Trial Make up date 08


Brace 1
Ole PM Dack
Grace ESF Anderson

Brace 2
Nemo PM Holtan
Wyngard PM Moore

Brace 3
Knute PM Dack
Liz ESF Berg

Brace 4
Butch ESM Holtan
Jazz PF Edstrom

Brace 5
Gert ESF Moore
Tom ESM Anderson

Brace 6
Deb ESF Anderson
Roxy ESF Holtan/Berg

Brace 7
Billy ESM Dack
Peggy ESF Gress

Open Derby

Brace 1
Julie ESF Holtan
Willey PM McKean

Brace 2
Tank ESM Benshoof
Jacx ESM Snyder

Brace 3
Miley PF Edstrom
Jake PM Holtan

Brace 4
Paige ESF Berg
Slough Pm Moore

Brace 5
Pearl PF Holtan
Addie ESF


AM Shooting Dog

Brace 1
Max PM Frahm
Theo PM Holt

Brace 2
Copper ESM Holt
Shake ESM Esser

Am Derby

Brace 1
Peggy ESF Gress
Willey PM Mckean

Brace 2
Addie ESF Mckean

Am Shooting Dog

Brace 1
Shake ESM Esser
Theo PM Holt

Brace 2
Copper ESM Holt

AM Derby

Brace 1
Peggy ESF Gress
Willey ESM McKean

Brace 2
Addie ESF Mckean

first off Gayle and I want to thank everyone who attended the trial! Aside from the warm afternoon, it went very well. Thanks to Charles Aspenson, Devin Inglove, and Keith Nelson for judging. I want to also congratulate young Billy Holtan for doing such a great job handling "Julie". Great Job! Thanks also to the Purina for Dog food, Caps and Sponsorship! The following are the placements:
1st - "Peggy" ESF Greg Gress
2nd - "Grace" ESF Scott Anderson
3rd - "Liz" ESF Scott Berg

Open Derby:
1st - "Paige" ESF Scott Berg
2nd - "Miley" PF Brett Edstrom
3rd - "Slough" PM Dave Moore

Am. Shooting Dog:
1st - "Max" PM Bill Frahm
2nd - "Theo" PM Brad Holt
3rd - Withheld

Am Derby:
1st - "Addie" ESF Ben McKean
2nd - "Peggy" ESF Greg Gress
3rd - Withheld

Thanks again to all of you, you made it a fun weekend!
Steve and Gayle!

Friday, May 16, 2008

CVGDA Hosts the 2008 National Amateur Grouse Trial

The Nat Am Grouse for 2008 will be hosted by the Chippewa Valley Grouse Dog Association and held on their grounds in Augusta WI. The trial will commence on October 18th.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Minnesota Dogs of the Year 2008

MGDA Spring 08 Winners


1st Shaq SM Kolter
2nd HB Choice SF Kolter
3rd Lulu PF Wingard


1st Grace SF Anderson
2nd Romy SM Renneke
3rd Joe SM Degitz


1st Adda Girl SF Kolter
2nd Max SM Fancher
3rd Peggy SF Gress


1st Babe SF Kolter
2nd Buck GSPM Mactavish
3rd Zeke SM Kolter

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 18-20 CVGDA Results

Didcot – Am Classic
Winner -Tom- SM –Anderson
RU –Phoebe SF – Storer

1st – Maybel – SF- Degitz
2nd – Katoo – SF Kolter
3rd – Grace –SF- Anderson

1st Max – SM – Fancher/ Cook
2nd Adda Girl – SF- Kolter
3rd Gert –SF – Moore

1st Max –SM – Fancher/ Cook
2nd Miley-PF- Edstrom
3rd Willie – PM-Graddy

1st Babe-SF-Kolter
2nd Zeke-SM – Kolter
3rd Gracey – PF- Piekarz

Monday, March 31, 2008

APRIL 4, 2008 Mora Trial Update

It’s snowing in Mora this morning and the forecast calls for below freezing temps at night all week. It doesn’t look like we will get enough snow melt for the first MN trial this weekend so we are going to cancel it today and give folks a chance to make alternate plans for the weekend. We will make every effort to reschedule this trial. Thanks

Brett Edstroms e-mail changed to if you have any questions.



Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Minnesota Championship Fall 07

Judge Tom Fruchey - Lance Bressler w/ Champion Blooms Molly- Jerry Kolter w/ RU CH. Houstons Belle and Judge Jim Tande

Minnesota Championship Fall 07

Travis G. - Joe McCarl- Steve Groy

Thursday, March 6, 2008

MGDA Results 07

1st Jazz pf B. Edstrom
2nd Mabel sf S. Degitz
3rd Tom sm S. Anderson

1st Deb sf S. Anderson
2nd Max sm M. Fancher
3rd Star sf T. Goltz

1st Spirit sf J. Kolter
2nd Fleetwood sm M.B. Esser
3rd Gert sf R. Moore

The Grounds

Dave Moore



Wednesday, January 30, 2008