Starting Monday October 11
Where: Rum River State Forest
Purse: $1500.00 if a Runner up is named, the purse will be divided $1050.00/ $450.00 with a rotating silver trophy cup to the winner.
Drawing: Friday October 8th, 8PM at the home of Greg Gress.
Greg Gress: contact info 612-590-2353
Entries should be paid before the Drawing
The Stakes: Minnesota Grouse Dog Championship (60 Minutes). $100.00
Additional running at the discretion of the judges. Acceptable native grouse work required to win.
Reuel Henry Pietz Derby Classic (30 Minutes)- Potential Grouse Dogs......... $50.00
Rotating Trophy. 50% of the entry fees divided 50-30-20. Rosettes to all placements.
Handlers must walk in all stakes
Judges: Jim Tande, Park Rapis, MN and Kelly Short, Buxton, ME
Reporter: James Kleve, Lakeland, MN
Entries and Checks to:
Minnesota Grouse Dog Association, C/o Greg Gress
1109 W. 89th St., Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: (612) 590-2353 E-Mail: Gress2@
2009 Winners